Friday, June 15, 2012

Creating a music video with my sixth graders

Music is a key component of ESL teaching – or any teaching for that matter.  Sticking a tune onto information is a terrific memory aid, and I still remember song lyrics I learned in 2nd grade.  About a year and a half ago, I discovered The Beatles are the ultimate pop band for teaching English.  I'm not sure what it says about a band that a vast number of their song lyrics are ESL-friendly, but I've always been a huge Beatles fan, so I like to think of it as beautiful, universal simplicity. 

Check out the following ESL Beatles lyrics:

You say yes,
I say no,
You say stop,
and I say go go go.
Oh no.
I don't know why you say goodbye, I say hello.
Hello, hello.


Love, love me do.
You know I love you.
I'll always be true.
So please love me do.

These songs are just asking to have a few fake sign language gestures slapped on and explained to low level English speakers.

They come up with some weird poses

Our sixth grade classes are terrifying, with unnaturally high percentages of ADHD and English haters (different than English apatheticers).  However, SH and I are slowly starting to understand the personality of each class.  6-1 likes busywork and translating.  They aren't big on games.  6-3 likes drawing and singing; they aren't big on writing.  6-2 is...currently a lost cause. 

So on Friday we had 6-3 draw pictures to decorate lyrics to a song about calling someone.  It's in Korean and English, and includes most of the key phrases from Unit 6.  Here's the video (the freeze frames are not glitches, I just didn't take enough time to make them look cool):



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