Hello! My name is Siobhan and I'm currently teaching English to elementary students in Paju (about an hour north of Seoul), South Korea. You can read about why I chose to move to Korea here. I grew up overseas – mostly in the Middle East – and am passionate about travel, culture, photography (I'm a beginner), and food. Oh, and music. And theatre. And films. I dye my hair a lot and wear too much blue.
If you haven't heard my name before and the spelling is confusing you, please watch the following clip.
How to pronounce Siobhan.
Well, I now want to watch that show. I love Ioan.....
you do? hahhaha. the preview makes me laugh every time (which I don't think is its intended purpose:P). loan?
I love the name Siobahn. It's the name I wanted to use if I ever had a girl.
Awww that's cool! I still need to move to Ireland for a year or so to experience life with a regular name.
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